PATH Capacity Building Training France – Day 2


The first activity of the training was a getting to know each other game, an entertaining and effective way to start the day and to make everybody feel comfortable and energetic.


The first official speech of this training was held by Marie-Georges PAGEL-BROUSSE, from Adichats (the hosting organisation)  followed by Mauro CARTA (CCIVS) and Rita ALBUQUERQUE (external expert) in order to present the PATH project and the general objective of the training.


After this presentation, participants were invited to share their personal inputs on challenges, expectations and contributions, which were displayed in three different flipcharts.

The morning activities included presentations: one from Fabrice DUFFAUD about the history of the International Voluntary Service movement and another one from Teresa NOVOA about rural heritage projects.


Florie ALAR, from the French ministry of culture, and Laura SOULARD, an archeologist working for Adichats, joined the group in the afternoon.

Florie ALAR explained to the participants the different departments for culture in the French region of Nouvelle Aquitaine. She presented also the different ways to classify a monument in France and the main legislative rules for the protection of cultural heritage. She used several international examples to illustrate her presentation.

Laura SOULARD’s presentation focused on archaeological techniques. Her concrete experience in archeology work with groups was useful for the participants to learn more about specific actions they could implement in their own workcamp.

In the second part of the afternoon, a non-formal education activities allowed participants to exchange their ideas about three different topics. Divided in groups of 5-6 people, they were invited to discuss about:

  • Heritage, protection and law
  • Architecture and techniques history
  • What is you own experience in your organisation/country?


After half an hour, a participant from each team presented the results of the group discussions, stressing the diversities and similarities existing among the different countries.

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